Thursday, 22 March 2012

Madame Electrifie........... is not even French

Here's a video I shot for the good folks over at Madame Electrifies Discotech - I've done one for them before, and there may be more on the horizon.
This promo was created to enter the night into a competition to play at Glade Festival in June.
The ladies got into Glade, so I am very proud of the video.

The track has been recorded, but was performed and captured live. ie, the track you can hear IS the track that the performer is mixing. On all of the arial shots, its the actual track being played. Most of the other footage has been shot as closely to that as possible.
It was a fun video to work on as I got to use the stage at The Picturedrome Venue, and I made full use of its lights and curtains. We also made use of costumes and make-up and props. Overall it was a very fun and messy shoot.