Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Do it yourself fast donkey Promotions

I was recelty asked by 'Do it Yourself' promotions to film some shows from the bustling London Underground Metal Scene. We start with this, from a bunch of guys I've had the pleasure of shooting once before. They're more brutal this time though, and the video was too.

The Atrocity Exhibit, Live at The Grosvenor, London 2012

Noise Complaint

Noise complaint are a mental band. end of story.
Hopefully catch them again for more filmage soon.

William English
This band are awesome though, really nasty sludge mixed with hardcore. They were an intense act, and I think the video just about captured that

Again, thanks to Do it Yourself, Fast Donkey Promotions for letting me film on the night :D

Cure for the Common Cold

Blowjob Sequences

The Billy Shears Project

Dancefloor Dreams

I shot the lads on the same night as Dave Vegas. It wasn't planned, but they are a great band also and nice bunch of lads. Video turned out pretty good too.

Dave Vegas Project Part 2 & 3

Mosquito Girl

Streets of Berlin

As I said earlier, this is a great band and are deservedly getting a lot of attention at the moment. These video's were a pleasure to work on and hopefully I'll shoot another show of theirs very soon.